Ground floor ventilation to insulated floor [Version ID #96]
Detail summary
Required where existing air-bricks to sub-floor void will be blocked by floor insulation works. Periscopic vent should ensure continued clear air-path to sub-floor, to ensure adequate ventilation.
Technical description
Section detail. Ventilation to perimeter of floor insulation. Existing air-bricks blocked by floor insulation works.
Parts list
Wall Ventilator
Plastics air brick, colour to match existing finishes, cranked sleeve to suit and wall ventilator. Re-use existing airbricks where possible. As existing brick/blockwork. Outer face flush with wall face. \ Spaced at max. 2m centres to provide 1500mm2 of clear opening per 1m run of external wall.
Contractors choice.
Skirtings and Wall/Floor Junctions
Standard decorators caulk between skirting and wall. Draughtex neoprene strips or timber fillet/ mastic seal between skirting and floor. Seal all junctions
Unger \ \ Reference: UdiFLEX
Woodfibre Insulation Between Floor Joists
Woodfibre Insulation. \ Thickness 200mm. \ Friction fit between joists to ensure air-tightness- cut batts approx 20mm wider than opening between joists. Supported by Polyester webbing drawn underneath insulation at approx 600mm centres, fixed to joists.
Admin - 2015-04-30 11:18:14
DWG file uploaded. General re-formatting.
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Admin - 2015-03-30 11:07:00
Preview image and pdf detail file updated.
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Admin - 2015-03-26 12:50:20
Parts list updated. General re-formatting.
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Admin - 2015-03-17 13:53:16
Text formatted to lists where required and supplier links added.
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Admin - 2015-03-17 13:52:45
Text formatted to lists where required and supplier links added.
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Admin - 2015-03-17 13:51:49
Text formatted to lists where required and supplier links added.
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Admin - 2015-03-17 12:07:50
Technical description updated.
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Admin - 2015-03-17 12:06:32
Technical description updated.
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Admin - 2015-03-17 11:09:11
Introduction updated. Technical description revised and updated with BS information and approved docs. Parts list updated with codes and additional parts added to specification.
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Admin - 2015-03-04 16:41:25 [Displayed version]
First Version
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For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.
For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.
- Ease of understanding detail: Easy
- Ease of sourcing materials: Easy
- Ease of sourcing skills: Easy
- Ease of implementation: Easy
- Overall cost: Low cost
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For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.
For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.
- Ease of understanding detail: Easy
- Ease of sourcing materials: Easy
- Ease of sourcing skills: Easy
- Ease of implementation: Easy
- Overall cost: Low cost
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For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.
For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.
- Ease of understanding detail: Easy
- Ease of sourcing materials: Easy
- Ease of sourcing skills: Easy
- Ease of implementation: Easy
- Overall cost: Low cost
Feedback summary
- 80% of users found this detail easy to implement.
- 50% of users found it easy to source skills for this detail.
- 60% of users found this detail hard to understand.
- 100% of users found the overall cost for this detail to be low.
- 90% of users found materials for this detail easy to source.
For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us.
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